CNG can save you money under a variety of circumstances. You can determine potential savings by comparing the purchase or conversion cost for a CNG vehicle with the potential fuel cost savings. On average, CNG costs $.80 to $1.25 less per gallon than gasoline (CNG is sold in gasoline gallon equivalents or gges). CNG fuel economy (MPG) is similar to most gasoline makes and models and averages 5% to 20% percent less as compared to diesel models, although the lower fuel costs still make CNG more affordable than using diesel.
The Savings Equation CNG can save you money under a variety of circumstances. You can determine potential savings by comparing the purchase or conversion cost for a CNG vehicle with the potential fuel cost savings. On average, CNG costs $.80 to $1.25 less per gallon than gasoline (CNG is sold in gasoline gallon equivalents or gges). CNG fuel economy (MPG) is similar to most gasoline makes and models and averages 5% to 20% percent less as compared to diesel models, although the lower fuel costs still make CNG more affordable than using diesel. The potential fuel cost savings depend on the following factors:
- Fuel Economy and Annual Miles: The fuel economy (MPG) of your current vehicle and the number of miles you drive will have a significant impact on how much you can save by using CNG. If your current vehicle has low fuel economy and if you drive a lot of miles every year, your savings will be greater.
- Cost of CNG Vehicle Purchase or Conversion: Vehicle choice, as well as any available tax credits, will impact the cost of vehicle purchase or conversion.
- Life Cycle of Vehicles: How long you or your business keeps its vehicles in service will impact the potential life-cycle savings gained from shifting to CNG.